Zone Seating
Individual Seating
Zone Seating
Individual Seating

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Most airframes can be supported (including Wide Body Aircraft) as long as proper documentation can be provided. There are two different ways the weight & balance can be set up: zone seating and individual seating.

Zone Seating

Zone seating is defined by the number of available passengers and centroid.  There is no limit to the number of zones per passenger configuration.  Summer and Winter average weights can be used, or you can use actual weight per zone.  Zones are displayed graphically, and the zone borders progressively darken to show at a glance how full a cabin is.

Individual Seating


Seating is defined by seat name, arm, orientation, and row. Average weights for summer and winter can be used, or specific weights can be entered per seat. The program also allows you to specific whether the passenger is male, female, or a child. Each seat is displayed graphically with interactive images.